Bài mẫu đề thi IELTS Writing 09/02/2019 – Communication


In most successful organisations, some people believe that communication between managers and workers is important, other people say that other factors are more important. What is your opinion?

(Trong những tổ chức thành công nhất, một số người tin rằng giao tiếp giữa quản lý và nhân viên là quan trọng, một số người khác nói rằng có những yếu tố khác quan trọng hơn. Ý kiến của bạn là gì?)

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Phân tích đề

Topic: Communication

Keywords: most successful organisations, managers, workers, other factors, more important

Dạng bài: Opinion, yêu cầu nếu ý kiến ĐỒNG Ý hay KHÔNG ĐỒNG Ý

Đề bài yêu cầu thí sinh trả lời câu hỏi liệu giao tiếp giữa quản lý và nhân viên so với các nhân tố khác, nhân tố nào quan trọng hơn cho một tổ chức đạt đến thành công. Thí sinh cần nêu rõ quan điểm liệu nhân tố nào quan trọng hơn, hoặc các nhân tố quan trọng như nhau.

Để đạt được điểm cao, thí sinh cần đưa ra ý kiến cá nhân của mình bằng cách cụm từ (In my opinion, Personally, From my perspective…)

Cách viết mở bài

Bài mẫu đề thi IELTS Writing 09/02/2019 - Communication 1

When it comes to a corporation’s success, many people place more importance on connections between executives and staff than other factors. In my opinion, while communication between different management levels is vital, other determinants are of equal significance.

Cách viết thân bài

Bài mẫu đề thi IELTS Writing 09/02/2019 - Communication 2

On the one hand, internal communication between executives and employees is essential for a company’s success for two main reasons. First, constant conversations and feedback across different managerial levels allow staff to seek advice and approval of their managers, while supervisors can check working progress regularly. With such a flow of information, all tasks can be accomplished more efficiently and punctually, which can cut any unnecessary waste of time and expenses caused by misunderstanding or cost opportunity. Second, conversations between supervisory employees and their subordinates also establish rapport and a friendly working environment where people can build a sense of belonging and connection.

On the other hand, other factors are equally important for a company to succeed. One of the contributing factors to an organization’s success is recruitment. Human resources have always been the overriding factor to any success since employing the right candidates with competence, excellent skills and abilities for the right jobs is the key for a company to prosper. Furthermore, a sound employee reward and recognition system is also pivotal. By giving credit where credit is due, employers can motivate employees to achieve high quality performance, which allows companies to recruit and retain the best staff. This can be in the form of performance appraisals and financial rewards including bonuses or salary increments, which shows appreciation of high-performing employees.

Cách viết kết bài

Bài mẫu đề thi IELTS Writing 09/02/2019 - Communication 3

In conclusion, vertical communication between managers and workers is vital as it enhances work performance and reduces the level of stress. However, I believe that other factors, especially recruitment and reward schemes, are also equally essential for an organization to thrive.

Bài mẫu hoàn chỉnh

When it comes to a corporation’s success, many people place more importance on connections between executives and staff than other factors. In my opinion, while communication between different management levels is vital, other determinants are of equal significance.

On the one hand, internal communication between executives and employees is essential for a company’s success for two main reasons. First, constant conversations and feedback across different managerial levels allow staff to seek advice and approval of their managers, while supervisors can check working progress regularly. With such a flow of information, all tasks can be accomplished more efficiently and punctually, which can cut any unnecessary waste of time and expenses caused by misunderstanding or cost opportunity. Second, conversations between supervisory employees and their subordinates also establish rapport and a friendly working environment where people can build a sense of belonging and connection.

On the other hand, other factors are equally important for a company to succeed. One of the contributing factors to an organization’s success is recruitment. Human resources have always been the overriding factor to any success since employing the right candidates with competence, excellent skills and abilities for the right jobs is the key for a company to prosper. Furthermore, a sound employee reward and recognition system is also pivotal. By giving credit where credit is due, employers can motivate employees to achieve high quality performance, which allows companies to recruit and retain the best staff. This can be in the form of performance appraisals and financial rewards including bonuses or salary increments, which shows appreciation of high-performing employees.

In conclusion, vertical communication between managers and workers is vital as it enhances work performance and reduces the level of stress. However, I believe that other factors, especially recruitment and reward schemes, are also equally essential for an organization to thrive.

301 words

(Written by Ms Nguyen Thi Thu Huong, IELTS 8.0)

Paraphrase keywords 

  • successful (adj) – success (n) – succeed (v) = prosper (v) = thrive (v): thành công
  • organisation = corporation = company : tổ chức, công ty, tập đoàn
  • communication = connection = conversation: giao tiếp, hội thoại, trao đổi
  • managers = executives = supervisors = supervisory employees người quản lý, người giám sát
  • staff = workers = employees = subordinates: người làm, nhân công
  • across different management levels = vertical communication: giao tiếp qua các cấp quản lý khác nhau
  • be important = be vital = be of significance = be essential = be important = be pivotal : quan trọng
  • factor = determinant = contributing factor = overriding factor : yếu tố, khía cạnh

Các từ vựng hay trong bài

  • when it comes to: về vấn đề ….
  • to place more importance on: coi trọng
  • conversations and feedback: những cuộc hội thoại và phản hồi
  • to seek advice and approval of: tìm kiếm lời khuyên và sự chấp thuận
  • working progress: tiến độ công việc
  • to accomplish: đạt được
  • efficiently and punctually: một cách hiệu quả và đúng giờ
  • to cut any unnecessary waste of time and expenses: cắt giảm mọi lãng phí về thời gian và ci phí không cần thiết
  • cost opportunity: chi phí cơ hội
  • rapport: mối quan hệ
  • a sense of belonging and connection: cảm giác thuộc về và kết nối
  • recruitment: tuyển dụng
  • human resources: nhân sự
  • competence: năng lực
  • prosper: phát triển thạnh vượng, thành công
  • a sound employee reward and recognition system: một hệ thống khen thưởng và công nhận nhân viên hợp lý
  • to give credit where credit is due: khen thưởng ai đó khi đạt thành tích họ xứng đáng
  • to retain: giữ lại
  • performance appraisal: đánh giá thường xuyên năng lực và cống hiến của nhân viên cho công ty
  • financial rewards including bonuses or salary increments: phần thưởng tài chính bao gồm tiền thưởng hoặc tăng lương
  • high-performing employees: nhân viên xuất sắc
  • vertical communication: giao tiếp theo chiều dọc (giữa các cấp quản lý và nhân viên)

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Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Huong, IELTS 8.0.

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