Bài Mẫu Writing Task 2 Ngày 1/2/2020 – Sugar-based Drinks.

sugar-based drinks

People are having more and more sugar-based drinks. What are the reasons? What are the solutions to make people drink less?

(Mội người ngày càng sử dụng nhiều đồ uống có đường. Lý do là gì? Giải pháp để mọi người sử dụng loại đồ uống này ít hơn là gì?)

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Phân tích đề

Topic: Sugar-based drinks

Keywords: more and more, sugar-based drinks, reasons, solutions, drink less

Dạng bài: Nêu lý do và đưa ra giải pháp

Cách viết mở bài

Bài Mẫu Writing Task 2 Ngày 1/2/2020 - Sugar-based Drinks. 1

These days, the consumption of sweetened beverages has dramatically increased. This essay will discuss the main contributors to this trend and propose effective solutions to minimize it.

Cách viết thân bài


The unprecedented consumption rates stems from two primary factors. First, beverage companies often pour generous budgets into making their products household names. For example, Coca-Cola pays extravagant amounts of money for supermodels and music stars to endorse its commercials, manipulating the audience, especially the young, to purchase its products. In fact, those advertisements are often deceiving as marketed products are often perceived as healthy but actually loaded with calories and added sugar. Second, sugar-loaded beverages contain additive properties such as caffeine. These substances provide instant energy boost, making consumers focus on their work and study. However, those energy drinks give rise to a range of health risks associated with the overconsumption of sugar. 

To resolve the mentioned factors, a range of actions should be implemented. First, the government should impose heavy tax on beverages with added sugar or other sweeteners. When the price of those products increases, their sales would markedly decrease, which means a reduction in the consumption and less sugar-sweetened beverage intake among customers. Another solution could be to limit the advertisements promoting sugar-dominant drinks, especially on TV channels or billboards. Instead, programs featuring the potential health risks of sugar-based drinks should be broadcasted in order to heighten consumers’ awareness

Cách viết kết bài Bài Mẫu Writing Task 2 Ngày 1/2/2020 - Sugar-based Drinks. 2

In conclusion, advertising and excessive addictive substances are the principal reasons behind the popularity of sweetened beverages, and the government should take immediate actions to put an end to this harmful trend.

Bài mẫu hoàn chỉnh

These days, the consumption of sweetened beverages has dramatically increased. This essay will discuss the main contributors to this trend and propose effective solutions to minimize it.

The unprecedented consumption rates stems from two primary factors. First, beverage companies often pour generous budgets into making their products household names. For example, Coca-Cola pays extravagant amounts of money for supermodels and music stars to endorse its commercials, manipulating the audience, especially the young, to purchase its products. In fact, those advertisements are often deceiving as marketed products are often perceived as healthy but actually loaded with calories and added sugar. Second, sugar-loaded beverages contain additive properties such as caffeine. These substances provide instant energy boost, making consumers focus on their work and study. However, those energy drinks give rise to a range of health risks associated with the overconsumption of sugar. 

To resolve the mentioned factors, a range of actions should be implemented. First, the government should impose heavy tax on beverages with added sugar or other sweeteners. When the price of those products increases, their sales would markedly decrease, which means a reduction in the consumption and less sugar-sweetened beverage intake among customers. Another solution could be to limit the advertisements promoting sugar-dominant drinks, especially on TV channels or billboards. Instead, programs featuring the potential health risks of sugar-based drinks should be broadcasted in order to heighten consumers’ awareness

In conclusion, advertising and excessive addictive substances are the principal reasons behind the popularity of sweetened beverages, and the government should take immediate actions to put an end to this harmful trend.

(261 words)

Written by Ms. Thu Huong Nguyen – IELTS 8.0

Paraphrase keywords

  • sugar-based drinks = sweetened beverages =sugar-loaded beverages = beverages with added sugar or other sweeteners. =sugar-sweetened beverage =sugar-dominant drinks
  • be more and more = to dramatically increase =  the popularity of
  • reasons = the main contributors = primary factors
  • solution = action

Các từ vựng hay trong bài 

  • unprecedented consumption = overconsumption: sự tiêu thụ chưa từng thấy, tiêu thụ quá mức
  • to stem from sth: bắt nguồn từ
  • generous budget : ngân sách hào phóng
  • household names: tên tuổi nổi tiếng
  • be extravagant: hoang phí
  • to endorse: quảng bá
  • additive properties: các chất phụ gia 
  • be loaded with sth: chứa nhiều gì đó 
  • to give rise to sth: làm gia tăng thêm 
  • to markedly decrease: giảm xuống rõ rệt
  • to implement: thực hiện
  • to impose heavy tax on: đánh thuế nặng mặt hàng gì
  • to deceive : lừa dối
  • to put an end to sth: đặt dấu chấm hết cho
  • to heighten consumers’ awareness: nâng cao nhận thức khách hàng
  • to broadcast: lên sóng truyền hình/ phát thanh
  • Sugar-based Drinks ;

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SYM English chúc bạn học IELTS thật tốt bài mẫu Sugar-based Drinks nhé.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Huong, IELTS 8.0.

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