Bài Mẫu Writing Task 2 Ngày 24/04/2021 – Robots


Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 24/04/2021

Today different types of robots are developed which are good friends to us and help us both at home and work. Is this a positive or negative development?

(Ngày nay, rất nhiều loại robot được phát triển trở thành bạn tốt và giúp chúng ta lúc ở nhà và tại nơi làm việc. Điều này là sự phát triển tích cực hay tiêu cực?)

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Hướng dẫn giải đề IELTS Writing – History, Science and Technology

Bài Mẫu Writing Task 2 Ngày 1/2/2020 – Sugar-based Drinks.


Phân tích đề

Topic: Technology

Keywords: robots, developed, good friends, help, home, work

Dạng đề: Positive or Negative, chỉ ra điều này là tiêu cực hay tích cực

Cách viết mở bài

Bài Mẫu Writing Task 2 Ngày 24/04/2021 - Robots 1

The prevalence of robots has exorbitantly increased both at home and work over the last decade. From my perspective, the drawbacks of those automation machines are eclipsed by their benefits.

Cách viết thân bài


On the one hand, the delegation of various mechanical tasks is arguably more significant. At home, people are becoming overly dependent on technological assistance to deal with various household chores such as cleaning or washing dishes. This may lead to a sedentary lifestyle, which results in some health problems such as obesity in the long term. In the workplace, especially in manufacturing, millions of workers worldwide, particularly unskilled ones, would lose their jobs to cutting-edge robotic systems. For example, fully automated processes have already taken over monotonous jobs such as assembly-line workers or bank tellers in many developed countries such as the United States.

On the other hand, several benefits are brought about by robots. At home, robots can promote emotional and physical well-being for the elderly. An excellent case in point is the Japanese humanoid robot called Telenoid. Being equipped with the latest advances in artificial intelligence, this robot can interpret social cues, including body language, facial expressions, or tone of voice, which guides it in conversations with humans. These heart-warming interactions significantly reduce the level of loneliness and stress which are commonly found among senior Japanese citizens. From an industrial standpoint, humans can be liberated from mundane manual labor in favour of more innovative work. In other words, people can be freed to concentrate on what they excel at such as adapting to changing situations or coming up with creative solutions to problems rather than time-wasting labor-intensive tasks.

Cách viết kết bài

Bài Mẫu Writing Task 2 Ngày 24/04/2021 - Robots 2

In conclusion, despite certain downsides of robots both at home and in the workplace, I believe that the application of such automated machinery is overall beneficial.

Bài mẫu hoàn chỉnh

The prevalence of robots has exorbitantly increased both at home and work over the last decade. From my perspective, the drawbacks of those automation machines are eclipsed by their benefits.

On the one hand, the delegation of various mechanical tasks is arguably more significant. At home, people are becoming overly dependent on technological assistance to deal with various household chores such as cleaning or washing dishes. This may lead to a sedentary lifestyle, which results in some health problems such as obesity in the long term. In the workplace, especially in manufacturing, millions of workers worldwide, particularly unskilled ones, would lose their jobs to cutting-edge robotic systems. For example, fully automated processes have already taken over monotonous jobs such as assembly-line workers or bank tellers in many developed countries such as the United States.

On the other hand, several benefits are brought about by robots. At home, robots can promote emotional and physical well-being for the elderly. An excellent case in point is the Japanese humanoid robot called Telenoid. Being equipped with the latest advances in artificial intelligence, this robot can interpret social cues, including body language, facial expressions, or tone of voice, which guides it in conversations with humans. These heart-warming interactions significantly reduce the level of loneliness and stress which are commonly found among senior Japanese citizens. From an industrial standpoint, humans can be liberated from mundane manual labor in favour of more innovative work. In other words, people can be freed to concentrate on what they excel at such as adapting to changing situations or coming up with creative solutions to problems rather than time-wasting labor-intensive tasks.

In conclusion, despite certain downsides of robots both at home and in the workplace, I believe that the application of such automated machinery is overall beneficial.

296 words

(Written by Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Huong, IELTS 8.0)

Paraphrase keywords

  • robot = automation machine = technological assistance = robotic system = automated machinery
  • are developed = has exorbitantly increased
  • work = in the workplace
  • negative development = drawback = downside
  • positive development = benefit
  • outweigh = eclipse

Các từ vựng hay trong bài

  • prevalence: sự phổ biến
  • to exorbitantly increase:  tăng nhanh 1 cách chóng mặt 
  • be eclipsed by: bị lu mờ bởi
  • delegation: sự uỷ thác, giao phó
  • a sedentary lifestyle
  • household chores: việc nhà
  • obesity: béo phì 
  • be cutting-edge: tiên tiến, hiện đại
  • monotonous jobs: những công việc đơn điệu
  • assembly-line workers: công nhân dây chuyền sản xuất
  • emotional and physical well-being: sức khỏe tinh thần và thể chất
  • to interpret: giải thích
  • heart-warming interactions: những tương tác ấm áp 
  • be mundane: tầm thường
  • to excel at sth: giỏi, xuất sắc về
  • be in favour of: ủng hộ 

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Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Huong, IELTS 8.0

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