Bài Mẫu Writing Task 2 – World Hunger.

world hunger

World hunger là một chủ đề khá lại trong Writing Task 2 đúng không các bạn? Hôm nay chúng mình cùng nhau phân tích cách làm bài và tham khảo bài mẫu cho chủ đề này nhé

In spite of the advances made in agriculture, many people around the world still go hungry. Why is this the case? What can be done about this problem?

(Mặc dù có rất nhiều tiến bộ trong lĩnh vực nông nghiệp, nhiều người trên Thế Giới vẫn đói. Tại sao tình trạng này lại xảy ra? Cái gì nên được làm để khắc phục vấn đề này?)


Phân tích các bước làm bài – Bài mẫu World hunger.

Mở bài:

Để viết được một mở bài hiệu quả, chúng ta cần paraphrase đề bàiđưa ra câu trả lời trực tiếp cho câu hỏi của bài. Lưu ý mở bài thường gồm 2 câu hỏi tương ứng với 2 chức năng này, độ dài khoảng 35-45 chữ

world hunger

Do đó, ta viết được mở bài như sau:

Despite the significant developments in the field of agriculture, millions of people on Earth are still victims of hunger and malnutrition. This essay will rationalize the key reasons behind this, and propose workable solutions to minimize such a disturbing problem

Thân bài

Đề bài World hunger này gồm 2 câu hỏi, và chúng ta sẽ có 2 thân bài tương ứng để lần lượt trả lời hai câu hỏi này.

Bài Mẫu Writing Task 2 - World Hunger. 1

Do đó, ta viết được thân bài World hunger như sau:

The world hunger is attributable to two major elements. Although technological breakthroughs have made it possible to yield enough food to feed the growing population, people living in underprivileged regions in the world still struggle to afford even basic necessities, especially food. For example, many children in Africa do not have access to adequate food as their families live under the poverty line. Second, another cause of world starvation is inclement weather conditions such as prolonged and extensive droughts. People living in such regions are prone to food shortages and starvation, some of them even die from most simple infections such as fever and diarrhea as their immune system has become feeble.

Two measures of great feasibility are suggested to alleviate the situation. To begin with, developed nations should aid developing ones with financial resources and technological expertise. With such provisions, those nations in need can have favorable conditions to conduct campaigns to fight against famine. Second, governments of developing countries should create employment opportunities for local people, so that they can secure a stable income to make ends meet. In addition, vulnerable places should develop an early warning system of climate change. Therefore, farmers can improvise effectively to adverse weather phenomenon in order to protect their crops.

Kết luận:

Kết luận lại hai nguyên nhân chính và các giải pháp nên làm.

Lưu ý: kết bài khép lại vấn đề, không thêm ý mới

In conclusion, property and climate change are primary causes of global hunger, and various measures should be adopted to counteract this problem.


Despite the significant developments in the field of agriculture, millions of people on Earth are still victims of hunger and malnutrition. This essay will rationalize the key reasons behind this, and propose workable solutions to minimize such a disturbing problem.

World hunger is attributable to two major elements. Although technological breakthroughs have made it possible to yield enough food to feed the growing population, people living in underprivileged regions in the world still struggle to afford even basic necessities, especially food. For example, many children in Africa do not have access to adequate food as their families live under the poverty line. Second, another cause of world starvation is inclement weather conditions such as prolonged and extensive droughts. People living in such regions are prone to food shortages and starvation, some of them even die from most simple infections such as fever and diarrhea as their immune system has become feeble.

Two measures of great feasibility are suggested to alleviate the situation. To begin with, developed nations should aid developing ones with financial resources and technological expertise. With such provisions, those nations in need can have favorable conditions to conduct campaigns to fight against famine. Second, governments of developing countries should create employment opportunities for local people, so that they can secure a stable income to make ends meet. In addition, vulnerable places should develop an early warning system of climate change. Therefore, farmers can improvise effectively to adverse weather phenomena in order to protect their crops.

In conclusion, property and climate change are primary causes of global hunger, and various measures should be adopted to counteract this problem

Written by Ms Thu Huong Nguyen, SYM English

(270 words, band 7.0+)

Những từ vựng hay được sử dụng trong bài

  • hunger – starvation: nạn đói
  • malnutrition: thiếu dinh dưỡng
  • is attributable to: bị gây ra bởi
  • make something possible: cho phép cái gì xảy ra
  • feed the growing population: cung cấp thực phẩm cho dân số ngày càng tăng
  • underprivileged regions: những vùng thiếu thốn, không được ưu đãi
  • basic necessities: nhu cầu cơ bản
  • have access to: có tiếp cận tới cái gì
  • live under the poverty line: sống dưới mức nghèo
  • inclement weather conditions – adverse weather phenomenon: hiện tượng thời tiết khắc nghiệt
  • be prone to: có xu hướng chịu đựng cái gì không hay
  • be feeble: yếu, không có sức sống
  • financial resources and technological expertise: nguồn lực tài chính và chuyên môn kỳ thuật
  • provision: sự cung cấp
  • fight against: chống lại
  • make ends meet: đủ tiền chi trả cho cuộc sống
  • vulnerable places: những nơi dễ bị tổn thương

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SYM English chúc bạn học IELTS thật tốt bài mẫu World hunger nhé


Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Huong, IELTS 8.0.

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