Bài mẫu Speaking band 8.0 – Describe an old and wise person that you know

Describe an old and wise person that you know


Describe an old and wise person that you know

Một người già (an old person) sắc sảo, hiểu biết (who is wise) là một đề thuộc chủ đề cốt lõi DESCRIBE A PERSON. Hãy cùng nghiên cứu cấu trúc triển khai mô tả một người trong bài post này nhé.

Dưới đây là bài mẫu Speaking Part 2 do cô Trương Thu Hương – Academic Manager của Anh ngữ SYM làm. Từ vựng mang tính thực hành cao, chú trọng vào cấu trúc bài nói để ăn điểm rõ ràng, và quan trọng nhất là phát âm chuẩn. Hãy cùng xem bài các em nhé

Tham khảo:

Describe a child you know

Describe a person who is good at his/ her job

Describe a person who often travels by plane

Describe a person who tries to protect the environment

Describe an old person you admire.

Describe someone who has had an important influence on your life

Describe an elderly person in your family who you enjoy talking to


Describe an old and wise person that you know

You should say:

  • What that person looks like
  • How often you see him/ her
  • What qualities he/ she has

And explain why you think this person is wise

Phân tích cách triển khai bài mẫu

Step 1


Today I’d like to tell you about my grandmother who is a wise person, in my opinion.
Step 2

What she looks like




How often you see him/ her





What qualities he/ she has



My grandmother is in mid-80s. She’s pretty beautiful with a round face and rosy cheeks. She is pretty young for her age as she has a balanced diet and a regular sleep schedule.

I used to see her very regularly, say twice or three times a week. I haven’t visited her for weeks as I’ve got too much work. I will spend more time with her when my schedule gets less tight.

She has a good sense of humour. Whenever I drop by, she usually tells me very hilarious stories that made me laugh so hard. I enjoy spending time with her as I feel so relaxed.

She’s also a good listener. I always turn to her so that I can let off some steam because of work or relationship stress. She just listens attentively and rarely advises me what to do. That’s why I love her so much.

Step 3

Explain why you think this person is wise


There are two main reasons why I think my grandmother is a person of wisdom.

Her calmness really astonishes me. She remains calm under any circumstances. There was one time when there was a misunderstanding between her and her friend, that woman kept cursing my grandmother and finally crossed the line by slapping my grandmother, but she didn’t get back. She just tried to calm her friend down, and make peace.

She rarely makes any judgments on others’ thoughts or decisions. If anyone blabbers about a secret or just talk behind someone else’s back, she just listens and never makes any comments. These gossips are totally none of her business; she just minds her own business.

Step 4 That’s all I want to say.

Today I’d like to tell you about my grandmother who is a wise person, in my opinion.

My grandmother is in mid-80s. She’s pretty beautiful with a round face and rosy cheeks. She is pretty young for her age as she has a balanced diet and a regular sleep schedule.

I used to see her very regularly, say twice or three times a week. I haven’t visited her for weeks as I’ve got too much work. I will spend more time with her when my schedule gets less tight.

She has a good sense of humour. Whenever I drop by, she usually tells me very hilarious stories that made me laugh so hard. I enjoy spending time with her as I feel so relaxed.

She’s also a good listener. I always turn to her so that I can let off some steam because of work or relationship stress. She just listens attentively and rarely advises me what to do. That’s why I love her so much.

There are two main reasons why I think my grandmother is a person of wisdom.

Her calmness really astonishes me. She remains calm under any circumstances. There was one time when there was a misunderstanding between her and her friend, that woman kept cursing my grandmother and finally crossed the line by slapping my grandmother, but she didn’t get back. She just tried to calm her friend down, and make peace.

She rarely makes any judgments on others’ thoughts or decisions. If anyone blabbers about a secret or just talk behind someone else’s back, she just listens and never makes any comments. These gossips are totally none of her business; she just minds her own business.

That’s all I want to say.

Từ vựng hay trong bài

  • A balanced diet: chế độ ăn cân đối
  • A regular sleep schedule: giờ ngủ đều đặn
  • Be tight (schedule): (lịch trình) dày đặc
  • To turn to smb: quay sang nhờ ai giúp đỡ
  • To let off steam: giải toả căng thẳng
  • Attentively: một cách chăm chú
  • To astonish smb: làm ai đôc sững sờ/ ngạc nhiên
  • Under any circumstances: trong bất kì hoàn cảnh nào
  • To cross the line: đi quá giới hạn
  • To slap smb: tát ai đó
  • To get back: trả đũa, trả thù
  • To make judgements: đánh giá
  • To blabber: lắm chuyện, buôn chuyện
  • To talk behind someone else’s back: nói xấu sau lưng ai
  • None of one’s business: không phải việc của ai
  • To mind one’s business: quan tâm tới việc của ai

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SYM English chúc bạn học IELTS thật tốt với bài mẫu Describe an old and wise person that you know nhé.

Ms. Trương Thu Hương – Academic Manager

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