Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 11/1/2020 – Spoken communication vs written communication

spoke communication

Spoken communication is more powerful than written communication. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

(Giao tiếng bằng lời nói có tác động mạnh hơn giao tiếp bằng chữ viết. Ở mức độ nào bạn đồng ý hay không đồng ý?)

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Bài mẫu đề thi IELTS Writing 09/02/2019 – Communication


Phân tích đề

Topic: Spoken communication vs written communication

Keywords: spoken, written, powerful, communication

Dạng bài: Agree or disagree – Đồng ý hay không đồng ý

Cách viết mở bài

Để viết được một mở bài hiệu quả, chúng ta cần paraphrase đề bài và đưa ra câu trả lời trực tiếp cho câu hỏi của bài. Lưu ý mở bài thường gồm 2 câu hỏi tương ứng với 2 chức năng này, độ dài khoảng 35-45 chữ

Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 11/1/2020 - Spoken communication vs written communication 4

It is often argued that oral communication is more effective than written communication. Personally, I believe that whether which form of communication is more influential depends on certain circumstances.

Cách viết thân bài

Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 11/1/2020 - Spoken communication vs written communication 5

On the one hand, it is understandable why many people advocate verbal language. First, spoken speech conveys ideas effectively as it involves body language and facial expressions. Those non-verbal components actually account for up to 80% of the communication, allowing the speakers to impress and influence their audience. For example, politicians must train hard to possess eloquent speeches as well as appropriate gestures for successful public speaking. Second, face-to-face communication speeds up work procedures which could otherwise take ages if delivered by written documents. Most meetings, in particular, involve verbal discussions so that ideas can be exchanged constantly and therefore quickly reach final decisions.

On the other hand, written communication exerts integral roles in many situations. First, when it comes to formal occasions such as weddings or ceremonies, a formal card is of great significance not only to comprehensively inform the guests of such events but also to express the consideration of the hosts. In a business context, writing documents are required to keep track of the correspondence among relevant parties as valid evidence for future contracts. In this sense, written contracts serve as legitimate agreements in case any confusion or conflicts occur. Furthermore, historical documents are often archived in form of written texts so that they can be passed down through generations, which could otherwise evaporate by word of mouth.

Cách viết kết bài

Kết luận lại những trường hợp mà loại giao tiếp bằng lời nói hoặc văn bản tối ưu hơn

Lưu ý: kết bài khép lại vấn đề, không thêm ý mới

Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 2 ngày 11/1/2020 - Spoken communication vs written communication 6

In conclusion, for the aforementioned reasons, it seems to me that verbal communication is more powerful in situations which requires body language, but when it comes to formal events and business, written forms are much more preferable.

Bài mẫu hoàn chỉnh 

It is often argued that oral communication is more effective than written communication. Personally, I believe that whether which form of communication is more influential depends on certain circumstances.

On the one hand, it is understandable why many people advocate verbal language. First, spoken speech conveys ideas effectively as it involves body language and facial expressions. Those non-verbal components actually account for up to 80% of the communication, allowing the speakers to impress and influence their audience. For example, politicians must train hard to possess eloquent speeches as well as appropriate gestures for successful public speaking. Second, face-to-face communication speeds up work procedures which could otherwise take ages if delivered by written documents. Most meetings, in particular, involve verbal discussions so that ideas can be exchanged constantly and therefore quickly reach final decisions.

On the other hand, written communication exerts integral roles in many situations. First, when it comes to formal occasions such as weddings or ceremonies, a formal card is of great significance not only to comprehensively inform the guests of such events but also to express the consideration of the hosts. In a business context, writing documents are required to keep track of the correspondence among relevant parties as valid evidence for future contracts. In this sense, written contracts serve as legitimate agreements in case any confusion or conflicts occur. Furthermore, historical documents are often archived in form of written texts so that they can be passed down through generations, which could otherwise evaporate by word of mouth.

In conclusion, for the aforementioned reasons, it seems to me that verbal communication is more powerful in situations which requires body language, but when it comes to formal events and business, written forms are much more preferable.

285 words

(Written by Ms Nguyen Thi Thu Huong, IELTS 8.0)

Paraphrase keywords

  • spoken communication = oral communication = spoken speech = verbal communication = verbal language = face-to-face communication = verbal discussions: giao tiếp dạng nói
  • written communication = written forms: giao tiếp dạng viết
  • be more effective = be more powerful: có hiệu quả hơn

Các từ vựng hay trong bài

  • be influencal: có hiệu quả
  • to convey ideas: truyền đạt ý tưởng
  • body language: ngôn ngữ cơ thể
  • facial expression: diễn đạt trên khuôn mặt
  • eloquent speeches: bài nói lưu loát
  • gesture: điệu bộ, cử chỉ
  • to take ages: mất nhiều thời gian
  • to reach a decision: đạt được quyết định
  • to exert integral roles: đóng vai trò quan trọng
  • formal occasions: dịp trang trọng
  • to keep track of the correspondence: lưu giữ lại thư tín/ văn bản
  • relevant parties: các bên liên quan
  • legitimate agreements: các thỏa thuận hợp pháp, hợp lý
  • archive: lưu trữ
  • to pass down: truyền lại
  • to evaporate: biến mất
  • spoken communication : ngôn ngữ nói

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SYM English chúc bạn học IELTS thật tốt với chủ đề Spoken communication vs written communication.


Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Huong, IELTS 8.0.


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